1101月號 道 法 法 訊 (345)






蔡馭理 專利師








案例十之四:Sony BMG Music Entertainment v. Tenenbaum, 660 F.3d 487 (1st Cir. 2011)


1.         Patent: Statutory Damages

1.2    案例解析:Sony BMG Music Entertainment v. Tenenbaum, 660 F.3d 487 (1st Cir. 2011)

1.2.5                理由(Rationale)

(3) 法條明示法定損害賠償(statutory damages)是一原告除了「真正損害賠償(actual damages)」外可選擇的獨立及替代的救濟方法。地方法院正確地駁斥Tenenbaum § 504的解釋。第504條明確設定兩種原告可以選擇的損害賠償計算之替代方案:真正損害賠償和法定損害賠償。參見 17 U.S.C. § 504(a) (providing that “an infringer of copyright is liable for either . . . the copyright owner‘s actual damages and any additional profits of the infringer . . . or statutory damages”)1

(4) 在陪審團給予法定損害賠償後,地方法院跳過普通法減少損害賠償額而直接處理陪審團給予每一侵權行為$22,500是否符合憲法正當程序的爭議問題,並逕行減少損害賠償額,已犯下可撤銷的錯誤。法院以憲法正當程序的問題在本案是不可避免的理由而拒絕遵守憲法迴避原則(doctrine of constitutional avoidance) 。但憲法正當程序的問題不是必要的、並非不可避免、有可觀的不允許情況、而且違背憲法正當程序的規則。2

減少損害賠償額(Remittitur)是一個普通法原則,其准許一個法院減少陪審團所給予的金額(若該金額嚴重過高(grossly excessive)inordinateshocking to the conscience of the courtor so high that it would be a denial of justice to permit it to stand )。3

決定懲罰性賠償是否「嚴重過高(grossly excessive) 並違反憲法第14條修正條文的正當程序(due porcess)

St. Louis, I. M. & S. R. Co. v. Williams案中法院考量(1) the interests of the public, (2) the numberless opportunities for committing the offense, and (3) the need for securing uniform adherence to established passenger rates. 4

Bmw of N. Am. v. Gore案中法院考量: (1) The degree of reprehensibility of the defendants conduct; (2) the ratio to the compensatory damages awarded (actual or potential harm inflicted on the plaintiff); and (3) Comparison of the punitive damages award and civil or criminal penalties that could be imposed for comparable misconduct.5

地方法院採用Gores factors,但是本院認為是不必要的。面對給予的金額是否違反正當程序的憲法問題並非不可避免。地方法院應該首先考慮非憲法議題的減少損害賠償額(remittitur) ,如此可以避開憲法正當程序的問題。6

1.2.6                結論(Disposition)

部分確認,部分駁回,並發回。上訴法院確認Tenenbaum有侵權責任的認定。上訴法院駁回Tenenbaums著作權法不合憲,法條豁免「 consumer copying 侵權責任和損害賠償,及未證明實際損害下法定損害賠償不適用的答辯。上訴法院廢棄了地方法院正當程序的裁判,否定被減少之陪審團給予的損害賠償額。上訴法院回復了陪審團給予的損害賠償額並發回原法院重新審理被告基於賠償過高而聲請考量的普通法上減少損害賠償額問題。7



1Sony BMG Music Entm't v. Tenenbaum, 660 F.3d 487, 502 (1st Cir. 2011).

2Id. at 508.

3Sony BMG Music Entm't v. Tenenbaum, 721 F. Supp. 2d 85, 93 (D. Mass. 2010).

4St. Louis, I. M. & S. R. Co. v. Williams, 251 U.S. 63, 67, 40 S. Ct. 71, 73 (1919)

5Bmw of Bmw of N. Am. v. Gore, 517 U.S. 559, 575-85, 116 S. Ct. 1589, 1603 (1996).

6Sony BMG Music Entm't v. Tenenbaum, 660 F.3d 487, 508.

7Id., at 515.